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There are some guidelines that can simplify the process. Successful brand names often have at least one of the following attributes. Outsourcing the brand name decision is also an option. There are companies that specialize in coming up with brand names for their customers. The top firms in this industry charge a lot of money but larger companies often find the cost worth while. Of course, smaller consultants usually have fewer resources at their disposal. Even companies with strong brand positions usually have to reposition their brand eventually.

Many companies change their branding strategies gradually and sometimes drastically in response to new competitors and other changing industry factors. What makes your offering different from the rest? What can you do to stand out from the pack? This article deals with the concept of product differentiation. Depending on the industry and product offering, varying degrees of differentiation are possible. At one extreme, products such as cars, video games, and furniture, offer a high potential for differentiation. On the other extreme, steel, aspirin and rubbing alcohol offer much a much lower potential for differentiation.

Nevertheless at least some meaningful differentiation is possible with virtually all offerings. Here we outline some of the areas products and services can be differentiated. Consider the areas that make sense for your offering. Personnel: Staff are the front line for businesses. Differentiating through better trained employees can bring about a significant competitive advantage. Better trained people tend to be more competent, credible, reliable and responsive. As discussed, product offerings can usually be differentiated along many attributes.

Choosing where to focus your differentiation and improvement efforts means considering three main questions:. How important is the attribute in question to customers? Does the company have sufficient resources to implement the required improvement? How quickly can the desired improvement be implemented? If the company is lacking in this area, efforts should be made to improve service. If the company cannot afford to improve service in the short run or if service improvements will take too long to implement, then an alternative product difference should be promoted.

The chosen feature should be unique among competitors. Not everybody agrees that differentiation efforts should focus on only one feature. This is especially true if more than one competitor claims to be the best in a certain area. Some companies successfully differentiate their products on two or three benefits. As a general rule, as the number of benefits promoted increases, the chances of effective differentiation decreases. Competitors, as it relates to marketing, are companies that satisfy the same customer need or want. From a marketing perspective, the concept of competition involves a broad set of potential and actual competitors.

Be alert and watch for weaknesses yours and those of your competitors but goals, rather than competitors, should be the main driving force of your business activities. Identifying competitors might sound like a simple task. No doubt Toyota realizes that Honda is a major competitor, and Coca-Cola knows that Pepsi-Cola is a competitor. The actual range of competition most companies face is much broader than the obvious. Your company is more likely to be hurt by new technologies or emerging competitors than by known competitors. At the same time, Jeffry Bezos was building Amazon. com, exclusively online. This had the advantage of providing an enormous selection of books without the cost of stocking large inventories and the overhead of brick-and-mortar megastores.

The incumbents scrambled to play catch up in building online stores yet, at the time of this writing, Amazon still dominates Internet sales. This make it easier to anticipate competitor moves and come up with successful strategies to deal with them. Your sales force, suppliers, market research firms, trade associations and published data can be excellent sources of information. If you have a former employee of a competitor as part of your staff, have him or her serve as the resident expert on that competitor. Use competitor websites to find out information on what they are doing to attract customers and partners. Many post press releases on their websites announcing new products.

Trade association websites are also valuable because they often provide information about industry players. Stay away from information gathering methods of questionable legality or ethics. Attacking a competitor on several fronts or head-on by matching their marketing mix products, pricing, advertising and distribution is often a difficult approach, especially if the competitor enjoys advantages such as larger market share. However, direct attacks can be effective if the competitor commands fewer resources. A better approach for smaller firms is to attack indirectly.

One way is to spot areas where the competitor is underperforming and to better serve those areas. These areas could be untapped geographic locations or uncovered market needs. In other words, attacking indirectly means identifying shifts in market segments that cause supply gaps to develop, and then filling in those gaps while developing them into stronger segments. This is the essence of marketing, discovering needs and satisfying them. Remember, even strong competitors have weaknesses that can be exploited. Depending on the particular situation, different strategies should be developed. Some of these include:. In this article, we turn our attention to situations where price changes might be needed and how to manage these changes.

Successful price increases are can increase profitability significantly. This is especially true if profit margins are low. Price increases are often unavoidable in the long run because of cost inflation. As the costs of doing business materials, labor etc. increase, price increases follow. Inflation also adds to the risks of offering long-term price contracts. Another common reason for price increases is for when there is more consumer demand for a product than the company can supply. Consumers generally prefer prices to be raised gradually. Care must be taken with these approaches because if product quality and features are reduced too much, customers will notice and sales may decrease.

Customers are most sensitive to price increases for products that are expensive and bought frequently. Some customers care more about the cost of the product over the total lifespan of the product. For example, sellers can charge more for products if they can convince the customer that it will be less expensive in the long run because of savings on servicing and replacement. Promotional pricing can help stimulate consumer interest and early purchase. It can also encourage the hesitant or unwilling to go ahead and buy. Here we outline several promotional pricing techniques. Discounts from normal prices are legitimate however avoid using illegal techniques such as artificially raising prices in order to offer a larger discount.

Promotional pricing can be effective for a while but it is usually not the best long-term strategy. In this article, we outline some common pricing techniques and situations in which they might be used. We also discuss how consumer psychology, product quality and advertising can affect pricing levels. The simplest pricing method is to add a fixed percentage to costs. We can illustrate numerically with another example. A microwave manufacturer expects the following costs and sales:. Typical markups vary and are usually higher for seasonal products, slow moving products, specialty products, products with high storage costs and products for which demand is inelastic demand stays relatively constant despite changes in price.

For example gasoline and prescription drugs. Using markup pricing is popular because easier than formulating a price by accounting for demand, competition and perceived value. As mentioned however, markup pricing it usually means reduced company performance. With target-return pricing, price is determined based on a desired return on investment ROI. Target-return pricing tends to ignore the effect of changing prices on demand and competition. A profitability analysis lets us see what happens to profit with different sales levels. A break-even analysis lets us figure out sales levels needed to neither make a profit nor lose money. By analysing returns in this way it also becomes obvious that finding ways to lower costs is important for increasing profits.

For break-even and profitability analysis tools please visit our profitability calculator page. Value pricing means charging a lower price for a higher quality offering. This contrasts having temporary discounts on a regular basis after which the price is raised again. Walmart is an example of a company that deploys this pricing strategy successfully. Market research is required to determine customer perception. If your product is more durable, reliable, or you offer better service and you can communicate this to the market, a higher price may be charged successfully. Cost analysis is still important to determine whether what you can charge for the product will cover costs, however costs are not the driving force for price with this pricing technique.

Going-rate pricing means basing prices mainly on those of the competition. Smaller firms will often change their pricing to match or be slightly less than the market leaders. For example, smaller gasoline retailers often set prices based on those of the major oil companies. The above pricing methods are useful for narrowing down the final price range. There are other factors to consider, including consumer psychology, advertising and quality. Consumers often use price as an indicator of product quality. This is especially true if other information about the quality of the product is not available. When alternative information about the true quality of a product is available, price becomes less important as an indicator of quality.

A study by Reibstein and Farris examined the relationship between price, quality, and advertising. They found that:. Close Menu Canadian Sales Tax Calculator GST — HST — PST. One of the most popular tools used for business strategic planning is the SWOT analysis. com Performance Importance Major Strength Minor Strength Neutral Minor Weakness Major Weakness High Medium Low Marketing 1. Company reputation 2. Product quality 3. Service Quality 4. Market Share 5. Pricing effectiveness 6. Distribution effectiveness 7. Promotion effectiveness 8. Sales force effectiveness 9. Innovation effectiveness The fact that we provide the student with essay help is just between us and our client. None of the writings are plagiarized as this is already a part of the crime and we never get ourselves and our clients involved into this.

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