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Importance of exercise essay

Importance of exercise essay

Exercising daily will assist you in improving your muscle strength. Related Articles Introduction to Ebola. Exercise reduces LDL cholesterol the type that clogs your arteriesincreases HDL the good cholesterol and reduces blood pressure so it lowers the stress on your heart. It could be a group or team activity like football or a karate class. If we, however, want to increase the amount importance of exercise essay intensity of exercise, importance of exercise essay, we should do it gradually. Most of the time we should take free-hand exercise without using any instrument.

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Personal Skills:. The Skills You Need Guide to Life: Looking After Yourself. Subscribe to our FREE newsletter and start improving your life in just 5 minutes a day. We all know that exercise is important in our daily lives, but we may not know why or what exercise can do for us. Our importance of exercise essay are designed and have evolved to be regularly active. In the same way that a sports car is designed to go fast, we are designed to move. If the sports car is taken out once a week for a 3 mile round trip through a town centre then it would probably develop engine problems fairly quickly. Importance of exercise essay time people too develop problems if they sit down all day at a desk or in front of the TV and minimise the amount of exercise they do.

Exercise improves both the strength and the efficiency of your cardiovascular system to get the oxygen and nutrients to your muscles. When your cardiovascular system works better everything seems easier and you have more energy for the fun stuff in life. Staying active keeps muscles strong and joints, tendons and ligaments flexible, allowing you to move more easily importance of exercise essay avoid injury. Strong muscles and ligaments reduce your risk of joint and lower back pain by keeping joints in proper alignment. They also improve coordination and balance.

The more you exercise, the more calories you burn. The result? Importance of exercise essay may lose weight and look better physically which will boost your self-esteem. Exercise increases blood flow and oxygen levels in the brain. It also encourages the release of the brain chemicals hormones that are responsible for the production of cells in the hippocampus, the part of the brain that controls memory and learning. There is overwhelming evidence that people who lead active lifestyles are less likely to suffer from illness and more likely to live longer. Exercise reduces LDL cholesterol the type that clogs your arteriesincreases HDL the good cholesterol and reduces blood pressure so it lowers the stress on your heart.

Added to this, it also strengthens your heart muscle. Combined with a healthy diet, exercise lowers the risk of developing coronary heart disease. Regular exercise helps to control blood glucose levels, which helps to prevent or importance of exercise essay the onset of type 2 diabetes. Additionally exercise helps to prevent obesity, which is a primary factor in the development of type 2 diabetes. Being fit may mean that the risks of colon cancer, breast cancer and possibly also lung and endometrial cancers are reduced. Exercise not only makes you physically fitter but it also improves your mental health and general sense of well-being.

Good quality sleep helps improve overall wellness and can reduce stress. See our page The Importance of Sleep for more information. Physical activity stimulates the release of endorphins which make you feel better and more relaxed. These in turn improve your mood and lower your stress levels. Getting fit is not just about running on a treadmill for hours in your local gym, it can be a dance class or a new hobby like fencing or mountain biking. It could be a group or team activity like football or a karate class, importance of exercise essay. Importance of exercise essay to the American College of Sports Medicine, importance of exercise essay, current guidelines suggest that to stay healthy, adults between 19 and 64 should try to be active daily and follow these recommendations:.

Cardiorespiratory exercise, often abbreviated to 'cardio', is any exercise that increases the heartbeat and breathing rate. Such exercises include walking, running, swimming, cycling, dancing and team sports such as football, hockey, importance of exercise essay, basketball etc. These recommendations can be achieved through minutes of moderate-intensity exercise five times a week or minutes of vigorous-intensity exercise three times a week or a combination of both types. One continuous session combined with multiple shorter sessions of at least 10 minutes is also acceptable. For those starting out, gradual progression of exercise time, frequency and intensity is recommended. You are more likely to stay importance of exercise essay track and avoid injury if you start gently.

Even if you can't reach these minimum targets you can still benefit from some activity, importance of exercise essay. Resistance exercise is concerned with working the bodies muscle groups and building strength. Very light or light intensity resistance training is best for older persons or previously sedentary adults new to exercise. It is recommended that adults should wait at least 48 hours between resistance training sessions. There are a number of different ways to classify the intensity of any exercise, some based on heart rate, some on perceived exertion and some on how the exercise affects your metabolic rate. Moderate-intensity activity should raise your heart rate, make you breathe faster and make you feel warm enough to start to sweat, importance of exercise essay.

Vigorous intensity exercise will make you breathe hard, importance of exercise essay, increase your heart rate significantly and make you hot enough to sweat profusely. The Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans suggests importance of exercise essay moderate-intensity activity allows you to talk but not to sing, whereas more vigorous activity results in an inability to say more than a few words without pausing for a breath. Overall though, importance of exercise essay, any activity that gets you moving, gets your heart rate up and gives you enough pleasure to do it regularly and often is good for you in almost every way. The Skills You Need Guide to Stress and Stress Management.

Learn more about the nature of stress and how you can effectively cope with stress at work, at home and in life generally. The Skills You Need Guide to Stress and Stress Management eBook covers all you need to know to help you through those stressful times and become more resilient. Continue to: The Importance of Mindset Self-Motivation. See also: Why CPR is a Skill that Everyone Needs The Best At-Home Workout with Little to No Equipment Positive Body Image Effective Training Techniques for Weight Management Five Things You Need to Know Before You Become a Personal Trainer.

PERSONAL SKILLS Caring for Your Body The Importance of Exercise. Search SkillsYouNeed:. Check out our popular eBook now in its second edition. Subscribe You'll get our 5 free 'One Minute Life Skills' and our weekly newsletter. We'll never share your email address and you can unsubscribe at any time. The Importance of Exercise See also: Dieting and Weight Loss. Exercise can be fun! You should get at least minutes of moderate-intensity exercise per week. Generally Speaking

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A man who has got a sound body is happy. He is cheerful. He can enjoy life perfectly. He is always hopeful. On the contrary, an unhealthy man cannot enjoy his life. Life becomes a burden to him. He may have wealth, but he is deprived of all joys and pleasures of life. He is very unfortunate. He lives an unhappy life and ultimately dies an unhappy death. In a word, physical exercise acts as a medicine for health. Physical exercise improves our health. It develops our mental faculty. It makes our muscles strong and the body active. It also improves our power of digestion.

In fact, one can enjoy a disease-free sound life. We should remember that it does harm to us sometimes. Over-exercise, on the other hand, is bad for our health. Physical exercise is necessary to build a nation. If we want to live peacefully, we must build both our body and mind together. We can then prosper in this world and live happily. In a word, we can say that health is the root of all happiness. Essay on Importance of exercise, Composition, and Paragraph — Introduction : Physical exercise is the systematic movement of various limbs of the body regularly in order to keep fit and healthy.

Why Exercise : Exercise is essential for good health. Good health, as we all know, does not mean only a big physique and stout limbs. It goes to mean more than that. One is said to be in good health if one has the necessary stamina for work, has a strong disease-preventive power in the body, feels brisk and lively. Moreover, a sound mind lies in a sound body. Therefore, one is said to be in good health if one, over and above having a good physical health, has a sound mental and emotional health too. Physical exercise ensures all these soundnesses. For example, if one takes physical exercise regularly, one can save oneself from a number of fatal diseases like heart attack, diabetes, insomnia, depression and so on. It gives work-stamina, strength, confidence, and courage.

Thought from this point of view, physical exercise can be said to have no alternative. It is a must. There seems to be a positive relationship between physical exercise and the individual progress as well as national development. People who take physical exercise regularly tend to form an active, confident, and creative nation. They become punctual, persevering, and hardworking. We can verify the truth of this statement by looking at the highly developed countries like the USA, Britain, Germany, Japan, China, Russia, and others. Most of the people in these countries never forget to take physical exercise regularly. Some people, however, think that physical exercise is not necessary for those who do tough physical work.

Bụt such belief is not true at all. Exercise is not at all equal to work, though there is some element of exercise in every type of physical work. Exercise makes us more skilled at our work. It gives us the necessary stamina. Therefore, exercise is equally necessary for those who do physical work and those who do sedentary jobs. Types of exercise : Physical exercise can be of various types. Most of the time we should take free-hand exercise without using any instrument. This type of exercise is suitable for people of all ages in all seasons. In this type of exercise, we make various movements of our legs hands and the body in a systematic manner. Those types of exercise in which various instruments are used are comparatively tough and require much knowledge of the physiological set-up of the human body.

It is best to take the advice of an instructor before taking exercise this way. There are, however, some forms of exercise which are suitable only for those who have an acrobatic or body-building purpose. People who do not have such purposes find it very tough, and even impossible, to practice them. And it is advisable that the general people not take such hard exercise without proper guidance and instructions. A sound mind in a sound body-goes the saying. Therefore, we all should take physical exercise for both a sound physique and a sound mind. But in doing this we need to follow some rules. You may lose weight and look better physically which will boost your self-esteem.

Exercise increases blood flow and oxygen levels in the brain. It also encourages the release of the brain chemicals hormones that are responsible for the production of cells in the hippocampus, the part of the brain that controls memory and learning. There is overwhelming evidence that people who lead active lifestyles are less likely to suffer from illness and more likely to live longer. Exercise reduces LDL cholesterol the type that clogs your arteries , increases HDL the good cholesterol and reduces blood pressure so it lowers the stress on your heart. Added to this, it also strengthens your heart muscle. Combined with a healthy diet, exercise lowers the risk of developing coronary heart disease. Regular exercise helps to control blood glucose levels, which helps to prevent or delay the onset of type 2 diabetes.

Additionally exercise helps to prevent obesity, which is a primary factor in the development of type 2 diabetes. Being fit may mean that the risks of colon cancer, breast cancer and possibly also lung and endometrial cancers are reduced. Exercise not only makes you physically fitter but it also improves your mental health and general sense of well-being. Good quality sleep helps improve overall wellness and can reduce stress. See our page The Importance of Sleep for more information. Physical activity stimulates the release of endorphins which make you feel better and more relaxed.

These in turn improve your mood and lower your stress levels. Getting fit is not just about running on a treadmill for hours in your local gym, it can be a dance class or a new hobby like fencing or mountain biking. It could be a group or team activity like football or a karate class. According to the American College of Sports Medicine, current guidelines suggest that to stay healthy, adults between 19 and 64 should try to be active daily and follow these recommendations:. Cardiorespiratory exercise, often abbreviated to 'cardio', is any exercise that increases the heartbeat and breathing rate. Such exercises include walking, running, swimming, cycling, dancing and team sports such as football, hockey, basketball etc.

LDL cholesterol is the primary substance that results in the obstacle of arteries. Exercising daily will decrease the LDL cholesterol level within the body and increases cholesterol HDL. Other health benefits of exercise on your heart are reducing vital signs, which can help in lowering the strain on your heart. The blood sugar levels of your body also will get controlled by exercising. Fatness is one of the prime factors of diabetes, which may be controlled if one exercises daily. The recondition and reviving of our full-body is helped by doing exercise. It helps us to form our muscles strong. Exercise also prevents obesity or helps in losing the load. It maintains youthfulness and delays the method of aging. Exercise improves the functioning of the circulatory system and prevents cardiac diseases.

It strengthens our network and prevents infections. Exercise improves our mental fitness and prevents insomnia and depression. Training is sweet for the guts and also reduces the danger of developing type 2 diabetes and even the threat of certain cancers. Types of Exercises and their benefits:. Morning walk is that the first and most ordinary exercise and is suited in most constitutions. Diabetic patients should do morning walk regularly as a morning walk is extremely good for his or her health. Under the guidance of an experienced trainer, only one must do gymnastic exercises.

Gymnastics could also be positively dangerous to weak constitutions. Yoga helps us to regulate our minds even as the body. Yoga may be a mixture of physical, mental, and spiritual exercises. Yoga is perfect for everybody. One must do yoga regularly. To offer more importance to yoga now in our country Yoga Day is additionally celebrated on 21 June. Free-Hand Exercises: blank check exercises are straightforward exercises that will be quickly followed by everyone.

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