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Human rights violation essay

Human rights violation essay

There are also a human rights violation essay very high percentage of trafficked persons who are not detected by any legal agencies at all. The present paper analyses two important legal documents for this area, the European Charter for Human ights and the African Charter on Human and Peoples' ights. The following depicts Justice Bradley's concurring opinion regarding Bradwell's Man is, or should be, woman's protector and defender. Wheaton, E. LEARN MORE. com 28 Sept. html Fogleman, Sarah L.

Human Rights Violation Essay Outline

Any subject. Any type of essay. They have become the universal fundamental human rights for human rights violation essay human being in all nations. This declaration embraces thirty articles of rights and freedom for all United Nations, All human rights are related, the right to life is connected to the right to life, right to food, right to health, and so on. If there is no freedom of expression, freedom of speech, we cannot express we do not have food, we do not have good health protection, we cannot say we are being tortured Petcharamesree, In the age of democracy, everyone is talking about the freedom of expression and the right to free speech which are the political rights, human rights violation essay. This right is not openly mentioned in any of the core human rights conventions Claiming Human Rights,but human rights violation essay got violated mostly.

According to the article, no one may force to work overtime without reasonable payment and everyone has the right to get holidays. Actually, this right is mostly violated in silent way, especially in developing countries WEEBLY, The factories human rights violation essay these brands are built in the developing countries because human rights violation essay cheap labors, cheap cost of production. Unbelievably, the workers of these factories are locking people within the building and not allowing them to leave and getting the low wages than the standard. As an example, the workers in Bangladesh and Pakistan and Indonesia are being paid around 60 cents a day in Forester, The Nike and Adidas factories in Vietnam are facing with trials for violating the article 24 and other rights.

As Myanmar is opening up to the international community recently and many foreign companies are keeping an eye on Myanmar to build a factory here, it is highly responsible for government to keep in mind of these violations in other developing countries. These violations are also connected to the child labor case and the slavery issues. As an estimation,to one million children ages four to fourteen are being forced to work making clothing, shoes, furniture, carpets, etc, and having extremely long hours to work with very little rest and leisure without holidays WEEBLY, Apart from the international issues, there are a lot of violations in Myanmar as well, just people do not notice about it.

The official working time differs from state to state. In Myanmar it is recognized as eight hours a day. However, even if we look at to the government offices, the teachers, officers are working more than eight hours without any overtime payment which must be around 25 percent to 50 percent above the normal hourly payments. They have to go to office even on public holidays without payment for it. Not only the government is the violator, the public companies and even citizens are the violators of the article For example, the employees in the hotel have to work at least ten hours a day.

The house maids are working 24 hours a day with very tiny wages. The people could go on strike, protest, human rights violation essay, or partake in many other opportunities to make a change Rebecca, However, people do not know about their rights in depth, do not have time to claim it, do not know their boss are violating their rights, and do not want to do so and do not want to lose their job or title. The main thing is to educate people, both employees and employers, about the UDHR, and about their rights.

Bibliography html html Forester, J. Human Rights in ASEAN. Press Release. htm United Nations, U. Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Starting from 3 hours delivery. Sorry, human rights violation essay, copying is not allowed on our website. We will occasionally send you account related human rights violation essay. This essay is not unique. Sorry, we could not paraphrase this essay. Our professional writers can rewrite it and get you a unique paper. Want us to write one just for you? We use cookies to personalyze your web-site experience. This essay has been submitted by a student, human rights violation essay.

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Barav, A. And Wyatt, J. Oxford: Clarendon Press. Bello, J. Brown, J. and Louis, W. Oxford, England: Oxford University Press. UN Human ights Committee Calls for U. Surveillance eform In order to preserve and safeguard civil and political rights, the United Nations monitors the protection of these rights by member states who have become part of the International Covenant on Civil and Political ights ICCP. As part of this legally binding treaty, the U. periodically assigns a body of independent experts to conduct an examination of how nations are implementing the protections guaranteed under ICCP. This body, called the Human ights Committee, then submits a report which "addresses its concerns and recommendations…in the form of 'concluding observations'. In response to this report a digital freedom foundation called ACCESS wrote an article titled "UN Human ights Committee calls for U.

surveillance reform" which supports the Committee's…. References "Human Rights Committee. aspx Mitnick, Drew and Deborah Brown. surveillance reform. Universal Declaration and Bill of Rights Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the UN Charter and U. Bill of Rights: A Discussion Throughout our history, leaders have published documents that delineate acceptable behavior for the people they govern. These writs include the original Bill of Rights, which stands as the basis for our democratic government, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, and the UN Charter. These documents form the basis from which law officials draw upon knowledge in order to prosecute or condone acceptable behavior. It is imperative to understand how they work together, and the significance of each in our times.

The original ten articles of the Bill of Rights were passed and ratified in the late 's. They identified the basic freedoms and inalienable rights belonging to each individual. The amendments that followed developed as needs of the times proved that they were necessary, and limits to the original…. European Convention on Human Rights ECHR guarantees the citizen within the EU a right to respect for private and family life, and is typically appealed to in conjunction with disputes regarding unlawful searches. However, as Wicks, Rainey and Ovey illustrate, Article 8 is actually quite open-ended and may be applied in any number of ways -- even in the case of Y who is threatened with deportation to Nepal.

Article 8 states in two provisions that, first, "everyone has the right to respect for his private and family life, his home and his correspondence," and, second, "there shall be no interference by a public authority with the exercise of this right except such as is in accordance with the law and is necessary in a democratic society in the interests of national security, public safety or the economic well-being of the country, for the prevention of disorder or crime,…. html European Convention on Human Rights Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms, Strasbourg, European Court of Human Rights. Human Experimentation Experimentation with human subjects raises a number of important moral implications.

Modern protections for human subjects have their history in the Nuremberg Code, written for the Nuremberg Military Tribunal as a standard for judging the human experiments performed by the Nazis in WWII. The Declaration of Helsinki in further defined codes for human research, and the United States first implemented regulations for protecting human subjects as late as under the auspices of the Department of Health, Education and Welfare DHEW. That same year the National Commission for the Protection of Human Subjects of Biomedical and Behavioral esearch began work on the Belmont eport. Today, the Department of Health and Human…. References Office for Protection from Research Risks. Summary of Basic Protections for Human Subjects.

December 23, Institutional Review Board Guidebook. ight to Privacy Being a citizen of the United States comes with many benefits in comparison to citizenship in other countries. Through the U. Constitution and the Bill of ights we are granted certain rights -- the right to free speech, freedom of religion, freedom of the press, and freedom of assembly -- just to name a few. However, despite the 27 amendments the Bill of ights that guarantee American protections and liberties, there is no explicit law that guarantees protection to a citizen's right to privacy Davis, It is more of an assumed protection, although most Americans do not realize it. In , Associate Supreme Court Justice Louis Brandeis referred to the right to privacy as the "right to be left alone" De Bruin, This assertion is often supported with a citation of the 14th amendment which states: "No State shall make or enforce any law which….

References Cowan, J. Why we'll Never Escape Facebook. Cover story. Canadian Business, 83 10 , Davis, S. Is There A Right To Privacy? Pacific Philosophical Quarterly. De Bruin, B. The Liberal Value of Privacy. Doyle, C. The right to privacy: appealing, but flawed. The International Journal of Human Rights. Human Nature and Conduct: An Introduction to Social Psychology In Human Nature and Conduct, John Dewey propounds the theory that all human conduct is the outcome of an interaction between elements of human nature and the environment, both natural and social Dewey, p. Based on this premise, Dewey advocates that the study of morals or ethics shift its ground from a transcendental realm to one where the discipline of social psychology is used to intelligently reengineer the environment so that ethical behavior is habitually encouraged.

Thus, Dewey defines the moral problem as that of "modifying the factors which now influence future results. To change the working character or will of another we have to alter objective conditions which enter into his habits. The subject of…. Works Cited Dewey, J. Human Trafficking: Comparative Analysis of Human Trafficking in the United States with the orld Stephanie I. Specialized Field Project Human Trafficking is a very serious issue that affects every country around the world. Human Trafficking is also known as "Sex Trafficking," or "Modern Day Slavery," which reflects the primary reasons people are bought and sold today -- sex trade and involuntary labor.

The Trafficking Victims Protection Act of TVPA defines sex trafficking as "the recruitment, harboring, transportation, provision, or obtaining of a person for a commercial sex act, is induced by force, fraud, or coercion, or in which the person induced to perform such act has not attained 18 years of age. Wayne, O. Major Principles of Media Law, Edition, Chapter 10, Cengage Learning. Wheaton, E. Economics of Human Trafficking. International Migration, 48 4 , x Wyler, L. Trafficking in Persons: International Dimensions and Foreign Policy Issues for Congress. Congress Research Service. Australian Bill of Rights Maintaining a feasible balance between free will and government control is a constant and historic ideal that has driven the evolution of society for thousands of years.

Law has been self imposed on mankind in order to regulate unwanted behavior and streamline acceptable and appropriate lines of acceptable living. Morals, ethics and personal preferences from all segments of society should be accurately represented to design a comprehensive and ultimately fair and balanced code of conduct. hile the struggle to make sense of this seemingly perpetual argument seems to evade modern civilization, Australia's current constitutional debate is worthy of discussion. The purpose of this essay is to evaluate both the arguments for and against Australia adopting a Bill of Rights to be included in their national constitution.

I will present several arguments profiling the possible outcomes of following the status quo or implementing a new federal policy…. Works Cited Carr, B. Bill of rights is the wrong call. The Australian. May 9, Legal redress under the Victorian Charter of Human Rights and Responsiblities. Public Law Review Vol 17, p pdf Funnell, N. Human rights abuses happen close to home too. The Sunday Morning Herald, December 9, html Gregg, S. Pros and cons of a Bill of Rights. The Canberra Times, 29 May But sometimes the victims themselves are afraid to voice their grievances in the public because speaking up entails shame, ostracization, and even extra-judicial killings. The victims can express their grievances in public "only at certain times and in certain ways" because their rights are infringed on social and cultural levels Dewey.

The fact that cultural and traditional beliefs and attitudes contribute to violations of women's rights in a systematic manner can be observed by reading literature on the practice of dowry. Many Indian legal and philosophical thinkers use relativistic terms to contest the notion that the practice contributes to the abuse of women. They contest the notion because they argue the concept of human rights is a estern notion, sometimes disregarding cultural variations and sensibilities of the Indian nation Gupta. The general critique of the concept of human rights as a western notion may be valid in some matters, but…. Works Cited Dewey, Susan. Kothari': Sexuality, Violence Against Women, and the Parallel Public Sphere in India. Duggal, Ravi. Grewal, Indu and Kishore, J. The United States Supreme Court ruled in favor of Illinois and argued that the Fourteenth Amendment was designed to protect against race discrimination only…" Gibson, , Background to Muller v.

Oregon section ¶ 1. The Court ruled that the Fourteenth Amendment did not include the protection of women's rights. The following depicts Justice Bradley's concurring opinion regarding Bradwell's Man is, or should be, woman's protector and defender. The natural and proper timidity and delicacy which belongs to the female sex evidently unfits it for many of the occupations of civil life. The constitution of the family organization, which is founded in the divine ordinance, as well in the nature of things, indicates the domestic sphere as that which properly belongs to the domain and functions of womanhood The paramount destiny and mission of woman are to fulfill the noble and benign offices of wife and mother.

This is the law…. Sex Discrimination and the Law: Causes. Columbia University Press. New York. Peril of Human Trafficking All over the world, human beings are bought and sold like slaves: this is known as the scourge of human trafficking. Human trafficking can take many forms. There is trafficking of persons involved in forced labor, forced prostitution, child labor, migrant smuggling and manipulation. No matter the form, the outcome is always the same -- trafficking is a violation of human rights. The United Nations has issued a very clear and stark warning to the world regarding the severity and seriousness of human trafficking: "Virtually every country in the world is affected by these crimes" UNODC, To put a stop to it, the UN has partnered with six organizations "committed to combating human trafficking" UNGIFT, This paper will discuss the nature of human trafficking, how and why it violates human rights and international law, and how it can be stopped.

At Its oot Human…. References ACT. The Children Market. Against Trafficking in Women. Retrieved from. Women's Issues The right to choose In her article "The ight to Choose? As Lopez notes at the start of her article, ANDA was enacted to enable hospitals and other healthcare providers to not have to perform abortion against their will. Lopez's main argument is that the bill is necessary because otherwise, healthcare providers have no choice but to provide abortions, even when abortions are antithetical to their sensibility. She argues that by preventing life, abortions are an affront to the purpose of the hospital. Accordingly, Lopez contends that ANDA actually promotes freedom since it allows hospitals the autonomy to choose whether or not to perform abortions.

By stating that ANDA endorses freedom, Lopez erroneously privileges the healthcare provider over the patients themselves. The purpose…. References Lopez, K. Fall Theory -- Approach Linkage Human trafficking in Vietnam: Article critique Although no region of the world is immune to the problem of human trafficking, in certain areas the crime is particularly acute. In Asia, the ratio of trafficked persons relative to the rest of the population is even higher than it is worldwide, with 3 victims per every 1, inhabitants, and that is only of the persons who are known to be trafficked uong There are also a likely very high percentage of trafficked persons who are not detected by any legal agencies at all.

The majority are likely thought to be women, specifically women in the sex trade. With this in mind, uong offers a gender-based analysis of trafficking, with a focus upon Vietnam. Vietnam is often called…. Despite these weaknesses, the evidence presented by Duong is unique and valuable simply because it takes a case study approach. Few articles which deal with trafficking do so; most discuss the phenomenon in a generalized fashion that does not take into consideration regional differentiation. As pervasive as the problem of trafficking may be, it is important not to present the issue without regards to national and regional cultural differences and to take into consideration how different populations are affected in its various manifestations. Reference Duong, K. Human trafficking in a globalized world: Gender aspects of the issue and anti-trafficking politics.

Journal of Research in Gender Studies, 2 1 , Employment Ethics It is generally agreed that for one to be a true professional, one has to separate one's personal ethics from their professional ethics. This is sometimes necessary because the two ethics sets will sometimes conflict. However, the ethical dynamic when it comes to employment situations is greatly complicated by other factors that turn what would normally be black and white issues into shades of gray. Things that can lead to these shades of gray include religion, disagreements with the ethical standards being posed by a government power or employer and so forth.

While some may like to assert that the rules of the employment and human resources playing field are clear-cut and without question, that is simply not the case sometimes and some skepticism about the a matter may actually be justified. Analysis One major topic that comes up when it comes to employment situations and ethics would…. References ACLU. Court Rules Bakery Illegally Discriminated Against Gay Couple - ACLU - Colorado. ACLU - Colorado. Kentucky Clerk Who Said 'No' to Gay Couples Won't Be Alone in Court. The Repeal of Don't Ask, Don't Tell.

Human Rights Campaign. Access to Social Media Usernames and Passwords. ights of the employees and employers in the UAE This paper is divided into two parts: art one highlights the responsibilities and rights of the employers working within the UAE; the second part highlights the rights of the employees, including expatriates, working within the UAE. Employer ights and Duties Prevalence of Arabic In all sorts of records, contracts, files, statements and documents Arabic language will be used and its use will also be compulsory for the instructions and the circulars used in the organization by the employer to the employees and if in any case there is any sort of foreign language prevailing then Arabic shall prevail over all the other texts Labor Law, ATICLE 4 - Amounts payable The amount paid to the employees or any of hidden beneficiaries under the law shall be based on the value of the movable and immovable property and items of the….

References Human Rights Watch HRW Building Towers, Cheating Workers: Exploitation of Migrant Construction Workers in the United Arab Emirates. HRW, 18 8. Keane, D. And McGeehan, N. Enforcing Migrant Workers' Rights in the United Arab Emirates. International Journal on Minority and Group Rights 15, 81 -- Employment Issues in the United Arab Emirates. New York's Code of Professional Responsibility. Labor Law. Labour Law And Its Amendments. Labor Law Federal Law No. The U. Supreme Court has given employers "little choice" in the matter, Boyd explains. If a company "can prove" they took "reasonable care" in order to prevent or to correct inappropriate behavior, under the law they have in many cases "safe harbor" from punitive damages Boyd, p.

The author states that sexual harassment training "…has evolved to become an ornate administrative display which has the appearance of concern…" but which in fact is "expedient in that it mitigates employer liabilities in any future court cases" p. Charles a. Pierce, Professor of Management at the University of Memphis, offers another approach for HR managers in his article published by Human Resources Management. He asserts that "nearly 10 million workplace romances develop annually" in the U. The reasonable and logical point of Pierce's article…. Works Cited Appelbaum, Steven H. Fatal Attractions: The Mis Management of Workplace Romance. International Journal of Business Research, VII 4 , Boyd, C. The Debate Over the Prohibition of Romance in the Workplace. Journal of Business Ethics, 97 2 , Mathis, Robert L.

Human Resource Management. Florence, KY:. Moreover, the study compares the effect on human factors on different types of aircraft. The study also reveals the correlation between the anomalies and type of aircrafts. Moreover, the Mean value of the communication breakdown is 80 which rank second as the human factors problem to aircraft incidents. Typically, communication breakdown occurs when the pilot or other aircraft crew is unable to communicate with terminals. Communication is very critical for effective operations of aircraft, a pilot will require to constantly making radio communication when on air to ensure the aircraft safety and the aircraft is on the right direction. The descriptive statistics table shows other important human factors that cause the….

Reference Balk, A. Aircraft Ground and Human Factors, A comparative study of the perceptions by ramp staff and management. NLR Air Transport Safety Institute. Boeing Commercial Jet Statistical Summary of the Airplane Accidents Worldwide Operations -- Eldredge, D. Mangold, S. A Review and Discussion of Flight Management System Incidents Reported to the Aviation Safety Reporting System. E The key issue is what skills are required to do the job and not what skills the individual employees may have. Effort -- is the quantity of physical or mental exertion that is needed to perform the job. If the job requires more effort than the other jobs and if that extra effort is substantial and is a regular part of the job then it would not be a violation to pay that person more, regardless of whether the job is held by a man or a woman.

esponsibility -- is the degree of responsibility that is required in performing the job. Working Conditions - this includes two factors: 1 physical surroundings like temperature, fumes, and ventilation, and 2 hazards. Establishment -- is the prohibition against compensation discrimination under the EPA and applies to any jobs within any establishment. An establishment is a distinctive physical place of business rather than…. References Equal Pay Act. html Equal Pay Act. Retrieved January 30, , from Answers. Often employees also receive an end-of-year lump sum bonus that is not included in their base pay Employee Compensation, Perkins and Balkin can choose to do any types of compensation plans that they want to.

They can have plans for different areas within the organization. For example, everyone in the company could be on an hourly compensation plan while say the sales department could be on a pay for performance plan. The key is to make sure that everyone that is within a department is on the say type of plan so that everything is kept fair and ethical. A high performance work system has many benefits for both employees and organizations. If employees feel that they are part of a high performance system then they will be happier employees and thus more productive. There are seven steps that a company must go through in order to establish a…. References Employee Compensation. html Fogleman, Sarah L. Creative Compensation. The mechanic must have adequate knowledge, training, data for assigned task, tools and equipment, be mentally and physically prepared, take safety precautions, have adequate resources, and have researched FAR, Federal Aviation Regulations, to ensure compliance.

The task must be performed with a committed attitude, in accordance with appropriate data and acceptable methods, techniques, and practices that are industry acceptable. The mechanic must perform without pressures, stresses, and distractions, re-inspect work, properly record work performed, and perform operational checks. The mechanic must also be willing to sign for work performed and be willing to fly in the aircraft upon approval for return to service. Discussion In spite of having measures in place to mitigate human error in aviation, there is still a major amount of incidents that involve human error.

A Quantas plane flew from Darwin to risbane with a rag over a power generator, left on the generator during a…. Bibliography Administration, F. Aircraft Inspection and Repair: Acceptable Methods, Techniques, and Practices. New York, NY: Skyhorse Publishing, Inc. Airline worker killed at N. Aug, 9, Aviation operators cut corners at espense of safety. Higgins, C. Human factors in improving aviation safety. The new law has prosecuted traffickers in cases. These traffickers had victims in that year alone. This law imposes penalties from 10 years imprisonment to life imprisonment Kyodo. Myanmar: Effective or Not? The capacity of the national government in fighting the problem of human trafficking has been limited UNODC It is particularly limited in implementing policy changes in remote areas where traffickers operate.

Anti-trafficking groups are looking into the situation. The UNODC addresses the issue by implementing projects and participating in partnership initiatives in the country. These projects and initiatives include increasing public awareness of the problem, provision of technical assistance for the law enforcement sector and the judiciary, greater and easier access to service providers and enhancing their capabilities UNODC. Cambodia Reports say that Cambodia is a source, transit and destination country for human trafficking HumanTrafficking. org Human traffickers consist of organized crime syndicates, parents,…. The World Fact Book: Central Intelligence Agency, htm Gekht, Anna.

Shared but Differentiated Responsibility Integration of International Obligations in Fight against Trafficking in Human Beings. Denver Journal International Law and Policy: University of Denver, Retrieved on April. new convention on the rights of domestic workers be enforced? This paper is a treatise on the topic of the new Convention on Decent Work for Domestic Workers, established by the International Labour Organization ILO in Geneva, Switzerland on June 16, as ILO Convention The convention may alternately be referred to in literature as the Domestic Workers Convention, No. The convention will hereafter be referred to in this document as C We will outline and discuss salient issues and challenges surrounding the acceptance and enforcement of C, a landmark convention in the eyes of many.

Although indisputably necessary and essential, C has nevertheless been controversial in its content and interpretation, and will continue to be so in upcoming years. C will require not only international cooperation for its success, but also the development and ratification of new and advanced provisions in international law. The challenges inherent…. References DeParle, J. Domestic Workers Convention May Be Landmark - NYTimes. DOLE seeks support for domestic workers convention Tumblr. ILO: New Landmark Treaty to Protect Domestic Workers. Human Rights Watch. Convention No. Starting from 3 hours delivery.

Sorry, copying is not allowed on our website. We will occasionally send you account related emails. This essay is not unique. Sorry, we could not paraphrase this essay. Our professional writers can rewrite it and get you a unique paper. Want us to write one just for you? We use cookies to personalyze your web-site experience. This essay has been submitted by a student. This is not an example of the work written by professional essay writers. Get help with writing. Pssst… we can write an original essay just for you. Remember: This is just a sample from a fellow student. Your time is important. Get essay help. Related Essays A Survey on Biometric Endorsement Techniques and Security Systems Essay. A Wildfire Or Wildland Fire Essay. Secured Framework to Avoid Forgery in Hr Consultancy Essay.

Defence Barriers Essay. Comparison on Information Security threat Report volume 21 Essay. How to Set Up Two-factor Authentication- Google, Microsoft and Apple Accounts Essay. Sia Security Services in the Uk Essay. The principal database security concepts Essay. Data Protection Methods Essay. Find Free Essays We provide you with original essay samples, perfect formatting and styling. Cite this Essay To export a reference to this article please select a referencing style below: APA MLA Harvard Vancouver Violations on Human Rights. In the Democratic Republic of the Congo and in the east of the country, all forms of sexual violence have been named the worst in the world.

core international human rights treaties. Each of the treaties was monitored by a committee of experts in implementing the treaty provisions by member states. Some of the treaties were supplemented by optional protocols" to deal with specialized concerns United Nations, An emerging aspect of human rights is that international human rights law applies to multinational organizations and private-sector companies Fariss, Some scholars argue that the treaties of the International…. Throughout history, many people have been oppressed and denied human rights.

The way people think about human rights have evolved. Back then many people thought it was ok to oppress the citizen in order to become superior while today we find human rights violation inhumane. Governments have tried to oppress the people of their country in order to remain in power; some have succeeded while some have failed. When the people were oppressed, there is often one individual who steps up and helps fight…. Human rights violations are committed on a seemingly regular basis, and there is a pattern in why they happen. All around the world, people harm and disrespect the rights of others. People harass and kill other people all the time; so often that many people are desensitized to these crimes.

These commonly occurring human rights violations are often under punished, and the pattern behind why this happens is personal interest. Personal interests is a reason for under punishment in a human…. Human rights are basic rights that belong to everyone, regardless of gender, sexuality, national origin, etc. But, around the world, countries have been abusing these rights by taking them away from people. In China and in Russia, these violations take place everyday. China In China, there is a population of 1,,, based off the data count in July China Demographics. The birth rate…. In North Korea there have been many human rights violations. Many people have been incarcerated and many others killed. On top of that there were also many slaves. The government also holds much control over the entire country of North Korea and the Korean citizens.

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