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Essay on progressive era

Essay on progressive era

Employers fought against legislation that would require them to pay minimum wages or enforce an eight hour work day. There was economic empowerment too in the process. Sadovnik, Alan R. New York: A. Washington The period consisting of social, government, and industry evaluation, reform and awareness was labeled as the Progressive Era. Gjerde, J, essay on progressive era.


Era through the Great Depression The goal of this essay is to discuss the Progressive Era through Great Depression and for this purpose; two major events that changed the face of American history during this period would be discussed extensively. Furthermore, detailed and comprehensive light would be shed on the historical events that had been successful in changing the face of United States and its society, essay on progressive era, politics, culture and economy. The goal of this essay is to discuss the Progressive Era through Great Depression and for this purpose; two major events that changed the face of American history during this period would be discussed extensively.

Furthermore, this paper would concentrate on discussing the status of women in United States and…. References Bruce, Kyle and Chris Nyland. Daniel T. Atlantic Crossings: Social Politics in a Progressive Age Mowry, George E. Theodore Roosevelt and the Progressive Movement. Sage, essay on progressive era, H. The Progressive Era: The great age essay on progressive era reform. Academic American. Era What Would the U. Have Been Like without essay on progressive era Progressive Era? What would have happened had there been no Progressive Era at the end of the 19th and early 20th century?

The period between and saw the mobilization of several various platforms erected under social, economic and political banners -- all promoting progress in their respective fields. Had there been no Progressive Era, essay on progressive era would have been no women like Ida B. Wells, who became famous in the 19th century when she sued the railroad which made her give up her seat so a white man could sit in it. Wells later went on to write the editorial activist piece "Lynch Law," which drew attention to unjust and violently racist laws in effect in the post-War South.

Had there been no Progressive Era, there would have been no voice for social equality, social fairness, and a new…. Era Worker Exploitation in the Progressive Era The Progressive period was not as progressive as it essay on progressive era right off the bat. Essay on progressive era were much different in the Progressive Era than today and often exploited vulnerable working class poor to stuff the pockets of a select few elite millionaires. Workers had very few essay on progressive era and were treated as other minorities with little protection under the law. Ultimately, this caused much of the public to become disillusioned with the way capitalism had created a monster, For one, many were uninterested in their workers' safety or welfare.

Workers enjoyed very little freedoms and rights within their harsh work environments. Employers fought against legislation that would require them to pay minimum wages or enforce an eight hour work day. Thus, workers were often forced to work incredibly long hours with no days off and for very little. This caused employers to exploit the manual…. It appeared essay on progressive era a time where individuals were fed up with the status quo and instead wanted drastic changes to occur in their world. ichard Hofstadter is best known for the role that he played during this era of reform. In his famous claim, Hofstadter speaks on the truth about Progressivism and offers an explanation as to how and why this occurred.

He offered social, political, and financial explanations for a phenomenon that very few understood at the time. Hofstadter believed in essay on progressive era values that very few agreed with at the time. It was this precise belief that allowed him to become a pioneer during the Progressive Era and become a representative of economic mobility. However, despite his seemingly progressive beliefs, his main thought was that Progressivism was guided by the loss of status of numerous…. References: Brinkley, A. Review: Richard Hofstadter's the Age of Reform: A Reconsideration. Reviews in American History. The party only existed for a few years, and never really had much effect on national politics.

The Progressive women reformers worked for social change, as well. They wanted women to have the right to vote, essay on progressive era, and that was one of their major causes. Ultimately, they helped create the Nineteenth Amendment, on August 26, that gave women the right to vote. They were also largely responsible for the Eighteenth Amendment, passed on January 19,that prohibited alcoholic beverage sales and distribution in the country. The women also worked for other Progressive social reforms, like housing and safety conditions, essay on progressive era. Some of the most famous women reformers were social worker Jane Addams, who advocated for settlement houses and social reforms for women and families, Charlotte Gilman, a feminist and writer who wrote about new roles for women, and Margaret Sanger, an advocate for birth control and women's rights.

The changing…. One of the biggest reformers was Teddy Roosevelt, who ran for the Progressive Party for president in He helped craft legislation that guarded against monopolies and trusts to ensure that huge corporations could not drive out all their competitors and create monopolies, essay on progressive era. He took several corporations to court as a result of that legislation. Another was William Jennings Bryan, Democratic presidential nominee and lawyer who worked to defend many labor protesters who were arrested for being "Socialists" and attempting to organize labor unions to protect workers from employer abuses.

Their goals were different from the Populists, who wanted to return to the silver standard, and were largely from the central part of the country. The Populists wanted more power against monopolies and trusts like the Progressives did, but they wanted their party to be a "People's Party," and their issues were largely geared to agriculture and its' pricing, rather than sweeping social changes. The changing roles for women and African-Americans during this time were growing just about every day. Women were taking a much more active role in politics and government, and in influencing reform. They were working in greater numbers, and taking on an active role in society. African-Americans were becoming more vocal about their role in society too, and beginning to demand change. The Harlem Renaissance helped form some of the best African-American writers and artists, essay on progressive era, like W.

Du Bois a Black intellectual and writer who called out for civil rights and action, and Booker T. Washington, a black academic and leader who fought for African-American education, essay on progressive era. Both women and Blacks were fighting to be treated equally and with respect, and they began interacting with society even more during the Progressive Era, in an attempt to create change and equality in the country. Era: Aspirations and Accomplishments Progressives and their accomplishments The reform movement of Progressivism ran from the late 19th century all through to the first decades of the 20th century. During this period, leading intellectuals and the social reformists sought to address cultural, economic and political questions arising from the rapid Industrial Revolution and modern capitalism growth in America.

The progressives shared common views that the at every government level, they need to be involved actively in societal reforms. Historians concur that Progressivism methods and spirit came from the urban middle, upper-middle classes, and native-born who are engineers, doctors, journalists, social workers, lawyers, college professors, ministers, and college professors. Despite the support of progressivism movement by immigrant working class, rural Americans and the top leaders in finance and business, the ethos of the movement are rooted in Protestantism. At the time, the constitutional system that was in place was outdated and…, essay on progressive era.

Bibliography Media Rich Learning. The Progressive Era. Accessed October 23, The Heritage Foundation. Last modified July 18, essay on progressive era, Attitudes Towards Work in Progressive America The Progressive Age in the United States was a time of redefinition in American thought and politics. During a time of global restructuring in which European imperialism was entering the first phase of its death throes, American imperialism was beginning to rise. This imperialism took a different form, at least outwardly, from that which typified the preceding centuries. Instead of colonies with rigidly enforced governments imposed by the colonizers, American imperialism ostensibly had the will and desire to spread democracy and self-rule at its heart.

This new kind of imperialism was a direct outgrowth of Progressive-era thought. Perhaps most notable among the figures who made the connection from Progressive philosophies to advocacies of certain international actions was President and former Rough Rider Theodore "Teddy" Roosevelt, whose speech entitled "The Strenuous Life" attempts to draw a comparison between the success that labor and active involvement…. Other than the economic woes, there were also widespread social injustices. There was eminent war between capital and labor. Progressive era was realized essay on progressive era the very last years of the 19th century up to Sage, essay on progressive era, The progressive era was a dawn of new ideas and progressive reforms.

Some of its advantages are enjoyed to date. Some of the major events that characterized the progressive era were the birth of the American oil industry in and the initiation of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People in The first American oil was prospected in Texas' Spindletop and this set precedent for evolution of the nation's oil sector. The Texan…. References Bridgen, K, essay on progressive era. The war on women: Women's right to vote. Commercial Laws. What is the Hepburn Act ? Grossman, J. The origin of the U. Department of Labor. National Association for the Advancement of Colored People Victories. Progressivism began as a social movement and evolved into a political movement, according to materials published by George Washington University www.

Early in the social movement progressives were concerned about poverty, racism, essay on progressive era, greed and "class warfare," and they believed that those problems could be best addressed through education, a safer environment, and a workplace that was fair and safe www. Who were those considered to be progressives? Progressive journalists wrote investigative pieces that exposed "the evils of corporate greed" and they presented a balanced view of immigration and ethnicities, all the time "…urging…. Theodore Roosevelt in this sense tried to tackle the issue by intervening for the miners, for instance.

However, an essential idea is related to the desire of the government to increase its power and intervention possibilities in order to better control the corporations that were created as a result of the industrialization process. These were sources of constant impoverishment for the population Pease, essay on progressive era, ,

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The progressives consisted mostly of middle-class men and women. The beginning of the Progressive Era is blamed on the muckrakers. Woman suffrage received powerful support from the progressives. During the Progressive era, the administrative decisions of Theodore Roosevelt, William H. The foreign policies enacted by these presidents were the basis of the era. As the Progressive movement gained momentum, Roosevelt turned his eye towards the consumer protection. Like Roosevelt, Taft continued the Progressive policies. Through these legislation past by the three president many monopolies and trust were dismantled during the progressive era.

The Progressive Era was a period in which Progressives sought to re-establish the marketplace amongst poor people. In effect they would be able to consume more and elevate the "strain" of their dependency on both the progressives and elitist. This era not only showed that the people could accomplish goals for themselves but it also created a more unified society in America. The Progressive Era has left many impacts on our society today. The Progressive Era also introduced consumer protection laws into our government. During this era there were also great advances in consumer protection. The Progressive Era has left many good and bad changes in our society today. The Progressive Era introduces consumer protection and child labor laws into our government.

The efforts put forward by the progressives appealed to many Americans for multiple reasons. The most recognized muckrakers of the Progressive Era were Upton Sinclair and Ida Tarbell. The actions taken during the Progressive Era were to revert the nation back to the importance of the equality. African-American reformers' mission: Caring for our girls and women. Affilia, 19, 3, Gordan, L. If the Progressives were advising us today, should we listen? Journal of the Guilded Age and Progressive Era 1, lack and white women's visions of welfare: Women's welfare activism, Journal of American History, Sept. Williams, L. An assult on white privilege: civil rights and the…. Bibliography Takaki, R.

A different mirror. In a different mirror: A history of multicultural America pp Kilty, K. Modern-Day Corruption and Graft The Watergate incident that occurred in President Nixon's Administration is exemplary of modern day corruption. Here, the government under Nixon's presidency was recognized to have sanctioned a sequence of confidential monitoring operations conducted by highly-trained agents that was financed by illegal campaign contributions. The seriousness of the incident was such that ichard Nixon had to resign his presidency. Booker T. Washington and W. Dubois offered differing philosophies, strategies, and tactics for African-Americans following econstruction.

In your opinion, which of these leaders gave the best advice for their times? Why do you feel this way? Washington primarily believed that the approach to deal with the African-Americans after the econstruction was tolerance, adaptation, and self-assistance with maximum attention on the provision of job opportunities for possible advancement of the community W. Dubois, on the other hand, asserted that the best methodology was the use of campaigning…. References Brunner, B. Civil Rights Timeline. html Brunner, B. Heroes of Civil Rights Movement. html Digital History. Hypertext History: Our Online American History Textbook -- Interactive Timelines. cfm Digital History. Guided Readings: America in Ferment: The Tumultuous s.

These years would come to define the modern American woman as a counterpoint to her sheltered Victorian counterpart. Looking at the number of immigrants by region of the world from to and to , as noted in the Yearbook of Immigration Statistics, and at the number of asylees and refugees arrived and granted asylum, and deported aliens. From which regions and countries in the world do most recent new Americans come from, and in what proportion? Quantify the changes? hat political and social reasons could be the reason for such changes? hat impact might these changes in immigrant origins have on American society and culture? The first waves of immigration to sweep through the United States during the 20th century would be European in origin.

At a time when much of Europe would be fractured by conflict, poverty and political strife, the United States would…. Works Cited: Diner, H. Erin's Daughters in America: Irish Immigrant Women in the Nineteenth Century. The Johns Hopkins University Press. Gjerde, J. Major Problems in American Immigration and Ethnic History, Houghton Miflin Company. Hooker, C. Ford's Sociology Department and the Americanization Campaign and the Manufacture of Popular Culture Among Assembly Line Workers c. The Journal of American Culture, 20 1 , A Different Mirror: A History of Multicultural America. Back Bay Books. Old and New Leadership Styles Max Weber was correct that in modern society, the power of the bureaucracy increased exponentially with urbanization and industrialization, particularly when it was called upon to deal increasingly with social and economic problems.

Such organizations were hardly designed to enable others to act within a democratic or participatory system, but to act on their behalf and direct them from above in a very hierarchical system. For example, during the Progressive Era and New Deal in the United States, the civil service was expanded to regulate capitalism in a variety of ways, to administer large parts of the economy and the growing social welfare state. Of course, with the growth in the power and influence of the civil service, opportunities for bribery, corruption, authoritarian behavior and catering to special interests instead of the public interest became far more common as well.

Building public trust and confidence…. Political Democracy, Trust and Social Justice. Boston, MA: Northeastern University Press. Coles, R. Lives of Moral Leadership: Men and Women Who Have Made a Difference. Random House. DePree, M. Leadership Jazz. Dell Trade Paperbacks. Dobel, P. Doll House Noted Norwegian playwright Henrik Ibsen composed his resound opus, "A Doll's House. Ibsen composed this play while in Italy, during the last quarter of the 19th century. He composed this play during and slightly before several significant global changes including industrialization and the emergence of American feminism during the Progressive Era of American history. Whether intentionally or unintentionally, Ibsen channels these changes and harnesses them into a creative and well-crafted meditation upon many social and class aspects of society.

While the paper will reference narrative aspects and literary devices within the text, the paper will analyze aspects of this "problem play" such as setting, character development, and symbolism to penetrate the depths of meaning present in "A Doll's House. References: Ibsen, H. Templeton, J. PMLA, 1 , 28 -- The Progressives transformed America in a multitude of ways, some positive and some negative. Most importantly the situation offered voice to many who had not previously had voice, or at least gave permission to build one and created a completely different relationship between individuals, the economy and even government.

Definitions used during the progressive era still apply to many attributes of social, political and economic reform today and many of the anti-corruptive checks and balances that were begun during the progressive era are lasting even into the modern information age. Diner contends that the progressive era marked an opening of opportunity for individuals and groups to help redefine American democracy in such a way that people might be better protected from industrialism, economic concentration and better allow the government or representative government to help control the destiny of the nation. Works Cited Diner Steven J. A Very Different Age: Americans of the Progressive Era. ungalow Craze The bungalow style was a major influence in the drastic change of American society and how people lived.

It influenced a major shift in gender role of women in society, creating easier housekeeping techniques and greater employment and career opportunities for women by confronting economic and social issues in society using domestic architecture. The simpler home design expressed many tensions of Progressivism in attempting to solve social issues of the time. The transformation brought about new ideas as well as fears that had to be confronted. The spread of factories from the industrial age left anxiety concerning the loss of independence and masculinity. The middle class population was becoming salaried workers, loosing economic and moral independence. The Progressive Era had created a deep desire to reshape institutions and values as well as faith to reform the people.

At the same time, the Arts and Crafts Movement grew in…. Bibliography Wright, G. The Progressive Housewife and the Bungalow. In Building the Dream. Pantheon Books. History Of Human Services When the Kalamazoo Foundation began in , the welfare state in the U. was minimal, and on the federal level almost nonexistent. Problems of poverty, hunger, racism, unemployment, and inadequate education were largely left to the start and local levels to be dealt with by private charities and religious organizations. This only changed with the expansion of the federal safety net during the New Deal of the s and the Great Society of the s, although it has been contracting again over the last thirty years. During the Progressive Era of and into the next decade, civic-minded philanthropists and capitalists often took the lead in dealing with the social and economic problems of urban, industrial America, among them Dr.

Upjohn, founder of Upjohn Pharmaceuticals. The Lifeline Initiative. aspx Miller-Adams, M. The Power of a Promise: Education and Economic Revival in Kalamazoo. Upjohn Institute for Employment Research. Rakstis, T. Settlement Houses Their Impacts on Immigrants in 19th Century Amber Settlement Houses were an attempt of socially reforming the society in the late nineteenth century and the movement related to it was a process of helping the poor in urban areas adopting their modes of life by living among them and serving them while staying with them. What today's youth would know as a Community Center, 'Settlement Houses' initially sprang up in the 's?

Working together, they passed labor laws and changed the way the U. does business. Where these educated professionals stayed with the community and served them, the main intent of these reforms was to transfer this responsibility of social welfare to the government in the long-run. An interesting fact…. Bibliography Axinn, June, and Herman Levin. Social Welfare: A History of the American Response to Need. White Plains, N. Crocker, Ruth Hutchinson. Davis, Allen F. Spearheads for Reform: The Social Settlements and the Progressive Movement, -- New York: Oxford University Press, Twentieth Century The Gilded Age witnessed industrial progress and accumulated wealth that boosted the growth of the middle class, yet at the same time there was the spread of "appalling" conditions in the slum areas of the cities, the farmers were in desperate times, and factory workers and others were trampled upon by the wheels of progress Progressive pp.

The "war between capital and labor" demonstrated that Americans were willing to fight for their economic rights, and many historians believe that if the conditions of the working poor had not been addresses, the country very likely would have been thrown into another revolution Progressive pp. Yet, a revolution did actually take place, just not on the battlefield Progressive pp. It was called the Progressive Movement, and as a basic conservative movement, it was not meant to cause as stir, but to address the problems of society and find solutions in…. Work Cited The Age of Franklin D. Roosevelt, html Boom or Bust. Inclusion Exclusion Blassingame, John W. The slave community: plantation life in the antebellum South.

New York: Oxford University Press. The most overt explanation of the author's research problem is when he states: "To argue, as some scholars have, that the first slaves suffered greatly from the enslavement process because it contradicted their 'heroic' warrior tradition, or that it was easier for them because Africans were docile in nature and submissive, is to substitute mythology for history," p. The struggles of African slaves are the topic for Blassingame's entire book, and it is impossible to indicate one page number describing all the travails that are detailed in the tome. However, the first chapter of the book does provide examples of the suffering of slaves in Africa, during the transatlantic voyages, and in the New World.

Pages 6 and 7 describe in some detail the brutality of the slave boat…. References Blassingame, John W. Center of the American West. Biography of John Hope Franklin. html Franklin, John Hope, and Alfred A. From slavery to freedom: a history of African-Americans. New York: A. A Knopf. Many Americans saw modernity, as they conceptualized it, as a curse, not a blessing. The causes of the "Modern Temper were thus a culture clash of old and new, of a reaction to Progressivism as well as a desire to kick up the nation's heels at the end of World War I and a delight at the ability of more individuals to enter the more leisured consumer class. The national focus shifted to private solutions for social problems, such as women's interest in work rather than winning the vote, the Harlem Renaissance's emphasis on literature and newspapers to give Blacks a voice, and the retreat of organized labor and government's….

This Conant warned was the seed of revolution and the only manner in which to change this reality, he warned was through educational opportunity, "the chances of a nonrevolutionary development of our nation in the…. Hope Leslie Strong Female Characters of the 17th Century Strong Female Characters in Sedgwick's Hope Leslie The United States has not always been a free space for strong female characters. In fact, in its earliest stages, most women were confined to very strict gender rules and restrictions. That is definitely true in the case of the Puritan culture that settled in the North East in the 17th century. Catharine Maria Sedgwick's Hope Leslie presents a surprisingly strong and independent female protagonist who fights for what she believes in and against the constraining gender norms of the very conservative Puritan culture in the early days of the Massachusetts colony.

This represents a connection between the American idea of independence and individualism and women's role in American history. Sedgwick is also standing up against the gender norms face d in her own era with such a strong female lead. The novel itself…. Works Cited Pelegri, Teresa Requena. Sedgwick, Catharine Maria. Hope Leslie: Or, Early Times in the Massachusetts. Harper Brothers. Aldo Leopold and Environmental History In answering the question of whether the United States has improved on environmental policy since the s, the cyclical nature of the political system must be considered. A generational reform cycle occurs every years, such as the Progressive Era of , the New Deal of the s and the New Frontier and Great Society of the s and earlys. All of the progress that the United States has made in conservation, wilderness preservation and other environmental issues has happened in these reform eras.

Barack Obama represents yet another reform cycle and his environmental record is better by far than any other president over the last forty years, although much of what he attempted to accomplish has been blocked by the Republicans and the corporate interests that fund them. In conservative eras like the s, s and s and s, almost nothing worthwhile happens with…. Many Americans insisted on moralizing poverty and housing conditions. One of the responses to the revelations was to build company towns, like Pullman, Illinois which provided decent housing and amenities to workers in the Pullman train car factory.

This project appears to have been successful initially, but a debilitating strike caused by high rent and low wages destroyed the town and other companies were no longer willing to follow this model Ibid. At Still a bigger obstacle to widespread reform was the ubiquitous American reverence for private property rights. Notwithstanding the early New York measures, Americans were loath to deny the landlords unfettered control over their private property Ibid. Although the progressive era as a whole saw great advancement in public health and safety requirements, there was only marginal success regarding housing reform.

Many reforms that affected how people lived were undertaken in the name of public…. Works Cited Buhle, Paul. The Legacy of the IWW. Monthly Review, Vol. Chudacoff, Howard P. And Judith E. The Evolution of American Urban Society. Prentice Hall, Inc. Hoffman, Alexander von. The Origins of American Housing Reform. Joint Center for Housing Studies, Harvard University August Amendment XIX Enactment of Amendment XIX and its contribution to the achievement of equal female rights The enactment of the 19th amendment empowered women on many fronts. They were allowed to vote and consequently seized the opportunity to influence political decisions.

The enactment saw the legalization of contraception and even abortion. There was economic empowerment too in the process. The more common availability of reproductive services and education doors increasingly opening up, more women enrolled in education institutions sought higher education. These developments also ushered in an era in which women began to occupy sensitive professional positions in the society. The amendment aimed at giving hope to all women. African-American women sought to link suffrage to race and gender across the country; so as to make sure that the benefits were not just paper-based policies, but practical processes for actual empowerment.

Indeed, the African-American women believed that taking part in…. Whatever biases remain in public education can be removed, because the belief in equal opportunity has prevailed. Standardized testing offers the only known way to ensure admissions to universities are based more on merit than on social class. In spite of their limitations, standardized tests do offer the only means to assess scholastic aptitude. A merit-based admissions procedure contributes to the betterment of society by offering educational opportunities to citizens who would be otherwise denied them. Upward social mobility and the ability to participate fully in the political process are possible outcomes of a merit-based educational system.

Effective educators understand the cultural contexts in which they work. In "Culture of Youth and How it Affects Learning," we saw how educators need to work hard to understand youth culture. To relate to their students, teachers must find common ground. Learning the language and values their students use out of the classroom…. There is nothing more frightening than change, especially when the emotional stakes of the outcome of such change are so engendered in the emotions of the individuals involved, seeking a non-adversarial approach, is foundational to managing the situation effectively while attempting to avoid the pitfalls of making life altering decisions in a highly charged emotional situation, while still maintaining a sense of voice and control, a possibility the legal system does not usually allow as once again the individual must appoint a spokesperson and then trust that this spokesperson has the interest of all as their overriding goal.

Business The types…. Works Cited www. De Waal, eds. Natural Conflict Resolution. Berkeley, CA: University of California Press, Book online. Available from Questia,. Liberal philosophies of criminal justice and conservative philosophies of criminal justice are often compared. In general the two philosophies are associated with the purpose and therefore type of result one might expect from arrest, prosecution, conviction and sentencing. In the liberal philosophy of criminal justice the general idea is that any sentence that is handed down to the offender should be one that supports reformation and rehabilitation while in the conservative philosophy the ideation is that sentences should be punishments with an emphasis on protecting the public and making sure the offender feels the repercussions of his or her actions.

This can also be applied to juvenile justice and has since its inception near the time of the civil war in the U. Tanenhaus xiii-xvi The early inception of this separate judicial system is that children who fall in the category to end up in juvenile court should in fact…. Resources Dodge, L. Michigan Historical Review 26 2 Krajicek, D. Media Miss Real Story on Crime While Chasing Sex, Sleaze, and Celebrities. New York: Columbia University Press. Tanenhaus, D. Willrich, M. The Historian 65 3 The purpose of Durst in writing the article was to highlight Day Nursery Movement in America and show how women worked together to help one another at a critical time in Progressive America. Accordingly, the ties between the psychological aspects of learning and the social aspects tend to be quite strong.

Since the student's early social encounters take place within the classroom, he is learning far more than the step-by-step processes of test taking. Knowledge of his social conditions is necessary for the proper development of the student's abilities. Social and psychological features of education are so fundamentally related that they cannot be separated from each other without a sufficient loss of understanding concerning the other. Primarily, the purpose of education is to produce functional members of society who value both each other and the work they perform.

As simple as that may sound, it is an exceedingly difficult goal. In the United States the philosophical basis outlined by the Constitution demands that public institutions not only be employed, but also that they provide an equal level of schooling across geographic and social…. Works Cited Cremin, Lawrence A. American Education: The Metropolitan Experience. New York: Harper and Row, Sadovnik, Alan R. And Peter W. Cookson, Jr. Exploring Education: An Introduction to the Foundations of Education. Needham Heights: Pearson Educational, Human esources: Fair Labor Standards Act An Examination of the Fair Labor Standards Act of and Its Implications for American Workers Today Although most Americans take for granted the wide range of social programs that are in place for their protection, many of these initiatives are fairly recent in origin, but one that has been around for quite some time is the Fair Labor Standards Act of The legislation established a minimum standard wage and a maximum work week of 40 hours in industries that were engaged in interstate commerce.

The implications of the Act were profound, and today, in what has become a classic pattern over the years, calls for increases to the federal minimum wage are followed by impassioned cries from industry leaders that such an initiative will do more to harm business than it will to help minimum-wage workers. ather than routinely bankrupt America's businesses,…. References An overview of the Fair Labor Standards Act. Office of Personnel Management. Black's law dictionary. Paul, MN: West Publishing Co. Cocheo, S. Banks Must Labor to Comply with New Overtime Rules; Fair Labor. The National League was formed in and enabled spectators to observe touring athletes play the game. The first World Series was played between the National League and its rival, the American League, in The popularity of baseball allowed for the financing of large baseball fields such as Fenway Park, Shibe Park, and Wrigley Field Sports and Leisure, This era also saw the rise of collegiate football, boxing, and basketball.

The rise of entertainment was meteoric in the Gilded Age. With Americans working less and having a higher expendable income, they were able to enjoy entertainments such as expositions, amusement parks, vaudeville shows, sports, and music. To this day, the influence of these innovations and pastimes can still be seen in modern entertainment outlets and continue to amuse audiences everywhere. Jim Crow Laws: Jim Crow laws were state and local laws that were enacted between and …. References About Vaudeville. An Introduction to American Cultural Expression during the Gilded Age and Progressive Era n. Second Reconstructions One of the most dramatic consequences of the Civil ar and Reconstruction was that the South was effectively driven from national power for roughly six decades.

Southerners no longer claimed the presidency, wielded much power on the Supreme Court, or made their influence strongly felt in Congress But beginning in the s, the South was able to flex more and more political muscle, and by the s some began to think that American politics and political culture were becoming 'southernized'. u How did this happen and what difference did it make to the development of the South and the United States? Under segregation most blacks in the U. still lived in the South and were employed as sharecroppers, laborers and domestic servants, but the system of segregation and discrimination was also found everywhere in other sections of the country. Certainly virtually nothing was done for civil rights during the…. WORKS CITED Brinkley, Allen. American History: A Survey, 14th Edition.

McGraw-Hill, Foner, Eric. Free Soil, Free Labor, Free Men: The Ideology of the Republican Party before the Civil War. Oxford University Press, Forever Free: The Story of Emancipation and Reconstruction. NY: Knopf, Gold, S. The Civil Rights Act of Marshall Cavendish, By , during the Presidency of Franklin oosevelt, the Social Security Act, "one of the great landmarks in the history of healthcare legislation in the United States" Couchman, , p. In , the oosevelt Administration also introduced the Wagner National Health Act which "gave general support for a national health program to be funded by federal grants to states and administered by states and localities" "A Brief History," , Internet ; however, due to a rapid decline in progressivism and the costs linked to World War I, this act failed to create a national healthcare agenda.

S Beshears, Millions of dollars were spent on preventing alcohol from reaching U. borders which further encouraged people to smuggle even more into the country due to the high prices they commanded. In fact the era of Prohibition actually caused more alcohol to be consumed as compared to when the ban was not in place Beshears, As a result of the overzealousness of the Progressives a large percentage of the American population could actually be consider criminals which is more or less a slap in the face for a movement that tried to establish social and political reform. Based on the facts presented in this paper it can be said that the Progressive movement was both positive and negative.

Beshears, Laura. Leonard, Thomas C. Need a custom Essay sample written from scratch by professional specifically for you? certified writers online. The Progressive Era History. We use cookies to give you the best experience possible. If you continue, we will assume that you agree to our Cookies Policy.

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